Nordic Championships Boulder

16th Mar 2024, Sat 16:00 - Sat 23:00

Boulderkiipeilyn Pohjoismaiden mestaruuskilpailut järjestetään 15.-16.3.2024 KiipeilyAreena Tammistossa! Ostamalla yleisölipun pääset seuraamaan finaaleita paikanpäälle. Lisää tietoa tapahtumasta julkaistaan lähempänä. 

The Nordic Bouldering Championships will take place 15.-16.3.2024 at KiipeilyAreena Tammisto! By buying a spectator ticket you can watch the finals on site. More information about the event will be published soon.


Friday 15th

14:00 Gym and warm up opens. Registration Youth B/Youth A
15:00 Technical Meeting
15:45 Info for the athletes at the warmup zone
16:00 18:45 U18 Qualification
18.45 21:30 U16 Qualification

Saturday 16th

07:30 Gym and warm up opens. Registration juniors/seniors
08:45 Info for the athletes at the warmup zone
09:00 11:15 U20 Qualification
11:00 13:00 Senior Qualification
14:30 Isolation open (all categories)

15:30 Gym opens for audience
15:30 Isolation closed (all categories)
16:00 Athlete presentation and route preview U16
16:15 17:15 U16 Finals
17:30 Athlete presentation and route preview U18
17:45 18:45 U18 Finals
19:00 Athlete presentation and route preview U20 & Senior
19:15 20:15 U20 Finals
20:15 21:15 Senior Finals
21:30 Awarding Ceremony


Tapahtumapaikan tiedot

KiipeilyAreena Tammisto